int g6_setmccount(int mccount) subroutine g6_setmccount(mccount) integer mccountThis function tells the GRAPE-6 interface library how many hosts are used in parallel. Using this information, the library determines what configuration should be used in M-mode. This function should be called before g6_open.
int g6_set_ijp_mode(int clusterid, int mode) subroutine g6_set_ijp_mode(clusterid,mode) integer clusterid, modeWhen called with mode=0, this funnction puts GRAPE-6 to the state to receive
int g6_set_cbjpmode(int clusterid, int mode) subroutine g6_change_cbjpmode(clusterid,mode) integer clusterid, modeWhen called with mode=0, this function puts GRAPE-6 to N-mode with mode=1, to M-mode.
int g6_setup_njdata(int clusterid, int nbody) subroutine g6_setup_njdata(clusterid,nbody) integer clusterid, nbody
This function must be called before the number of particles you send to the memory (2nd argument of firsthalf/lasthalf) changed. This function must be called only when cbjpmode=1 and ijp_mode=1.