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4 Running nbody

Parameters are taken from the command line. The complete list of options (which you can find in the main() routine) is:

list of options
-i        name of snapshot input file       (no default)
-o        name of snapshot output file      (default: no output)
-d        timestep                          (default: 0.015625)
-D        time interval for snapshot output (default: 1)
-T        time to stop integration          (default: 10)
-e        softening parameter epsilon2      (default: 0.025)
-t        opening angle theta               (default: 0.75)
-n        ncrit for Barnes' vectrization    (default: 1024)
          (ONLY used with GRAPE/HARP inplementation)
-w        window size for PGPLOT snapshot plot (default: 10)
-c        flag for collision run
-x        relative position vector for collision run (no default)
-v        relative velocity vector for collision run (no default)
-s        scale factor for position scaling (default: 1)
-S        scale factor for velocity scaling (default: 1)
-h        print this help

In the following, I give somewhat more detailed explanation:

-i: Specify the name of input snapshot file. This is required. The file format is nemogif stoa format.
-o: Specify the name of output snapshot file. This is optional. The file format is nemo stoa. When not specified, no output snapshot is made.
-d: The step size for time integration. The default value is 1/64.

-D:The time interval to output snapshot. The default value is 1.

-T:The time to stop integration. The default value is 10.

-e:The softening parameter. The default value is 1/40.

-t:The opening angle for the force calculation. The default value is 0.75.

-n:The critical number of particles in the cell, used in Josh Barnes' vectrization scheme. The default value is 1024. Only used with GRAPE/HARP implementation. Nbody uses the standard particle-based scheme on general-purpose computer.

-w: The size of PGPLOT window. The default value is 10. When compiles without -NOGRAPHICS, nbody creates a PGPLOT window and displays the projection of the system to the x-y plane. This option specifies the size of the region displayed.

-c: If specified, collision of two identical system is set up. Default is no collision.

-x: When -c option is given, specify the initial separation as, for example, -x 10 0 0 (x, y, and z coordinates).
-v: Similar to x option, but for initial relative velocity.

-s:Multiply the initial position of each particle by this parameter. Default is 1.
-S:Multiply the initial velocity of each particle by this parameter. Default is 1.

-h: Print a short summary of the command line options.

The file samplein is a Plummer model with 4096 particles, in Heggie units. You can try a test run with

nbody -i samplein
You may compare the log output (in stdout) with file samplelog. The sample log file is obtained on an Alpha clone with 600 MHz EV56 chip (164LX motherboard).

Some additional timing information goes to standard error.

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Jun Makino
Wed Feb 10 17:06:12 JST 1999