Next: 1 Introduction
Yet another fast multipole method without multipoles ---
Pseudo-particle multipole method
Junichiro Makino
Department of Systems Science, College of Arts and Sciences,
University of Tokyo, 3-8-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8902, Japan
to appear in: Journal of Computational Physics
subject classification: 65D30 Numerical integration, 70F10 N-body
In this paper we describe a new approach to implement the
multipole method and
tree method, which uses
pseudoparticles to express the potential field. The new method is
similar to Anderson's method, which uses the values of potential at
discrete points to represent the potential field. However, for the
same expansion order the new method is more accurate.
Jun Makino
Tue Feb 16 23:27:09 JST 1999