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で、確かにこちらは CPU 100 % だ、、、なんか USB が syslog に大量にメッ セージを出すし、 sshd が異常に CPU を食うし。なんだこれは?
yp は yp.conf を手で直すのと、そもそも domainname を何故か rc.local で 実行していたんだった。
いろいろやっても Biostar K8VHA Pro は TL8 でもやはり boot 時に USB HD がつながっていると kernel panic する。で、ひょっとしたらと思って ASUS K8N-E Delux に変えてみると、 boot 時に USB HD がつながっていても ちゃんと上がるのはいいけど 4 台 HD をつけた時に2台くらいしか認識しない。
これでは結局しょうがないので、K8VHA でブートしてから USB ディスクの電 源を入れることにする。 USB で認識してからの作業はこんなの
503 /sbin/fdisk /dev/sda 505 /sbin/fdisk /dev/sdb 506 /sbin/fdisk /dev/sdc 507 /sbin/fdisk /dev/sddパーテッションラベルを 0x8e にする。fdisk は d であらかじめ切ってある パーテッションを消して、 n で新しいのを作成して t でラベル変更だっ け? で、 rc.local にこんなのを追加
# for USB disks echo now please turn-on USB devices in next 2 minutes sleep 30 echo 90 seconds... sleep 30 echo 60 seconds... sleep 30 echo 30 seconds... sleep 30 echo Now configure LVM on USB /sbin/vgscan /sbin/vgchange -a y workdisks /bin/mount /xwork8 echo mounting LVM disks end df /xwork8やった作業はこんなの
502 /sbin/vgscan 506 /sbin/pvcreate /dev/sda1 507 /sbin/pvcreate /dev/sdb1 508 /sbin/pvcreate /dev/sdc1 509 /sbin/pvcreate /dev/sdd1 510 /sbin/vgcreate -s 64M workdisks /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdd1 511 /sbin/vgchange -a y workdisks 512 /sbin/vgdisplay -v workdisks 513 /sbin/lvcreate -L930G -nlvmvol1 workdisks 515 /sbin/mke2fs -j /dev/workdisks/lvmvol1で、 ssh pineau "tar cvzf - -C /xwork8 ." | tar xvzf - みたいな感じの でコピー。3MB/s くらいしかでないので、 3-4日かかる?コピー先の USB ディ スクはほとんど働いてないし、ネットワークも CPU 負荷も低いんだけど、誰 のところで速度が落ちてるんだ?
"Are you flying back to Japan?"
"Where in Japan do you live"
Dear Colleagues, For the 5th time, the International Max-Planck Research School on Astrophysics (IMPRS) is soliciting applications for its PhD program. Located in the beautiful Munich-Garching area in southern Bavaria (Germany), the school offers a unique environment for graduate students due to the presence of four internationally renowned institutes which form the school: * The Max-Planck Institute for extraterrestrial Physics (MPE) * The Observatory of the University of Munich (LMU/USM) * The Max-Planck Institute for Astrophysics (MPA) * The European Southern Observatory (ESO) In addition, Astro-particle physics groups at the Technical University of Munich and at the Werner-Heisenberg Institute for Physics are participating as associated partners. IMPRS offers a highly competitive PhD program, including lectures, seminars, and a research project supervised by scientists at one of the participating institutions. Since June 2004, the IMPRS on Astrophysics at the Ludwig-Maximilians University is supported by the European Commission and is a Marie-Curie early stage training site. Course language is English. Students have access to ground and spaced based observatories and instrumentation operated by the participating institutes as well as supercomputers for advanced numerical simulations and theoretical studies. Successful completion of the IMPRS program will be honored with an IMPRS certificate which supplements the doctoral degree (PhD) document awarded by the Ludwig-Maximilians University (or another university to be agreed upon before enrollment). Applications for the program are open to students from all countries. More details on the IMPRS program and the admission requirements can be found at the IMPRS website http://www.imprs-astro.mpg.de/ The closing date for applications for the program starting in September 2005 is December 15, 2004. Please apply by using the IMPRS application form available online at http://www.imprs-astro.mpg.de/admission.html In addition to this announcement we have a small IMPRS-poster available which we would ask you to print and to display for your students. The poster is available at http://www.imprs-astro.mpg.de/images/IMPRS_Poster_2004.pdf http://www.imprs-astro.mpg.de/images/IMPRS_Poster_2004.jpg Many thanks for your support. Dr. Werner Becker
cd /raid0 cd makino rsync -e ssh -avprog .
George Dyson is the son of English physicist Freeman J. Dyson and Swiss mathematician Verena Huber-Dyson.と書かれてしまうのがなんか大変そうな気がしたり。そういえば某君(非天文)の日記ではないものであるはずのページが段々日記化してるな。